The Honorary Council of Talents for Life is made up of the Honorary Members and the companies and institutions that gave it and give life to the Educational Programs that fulfill the mission of the institution regarding the formation of values.

Each company or institution proposes the objective, content and scope of each program, and with periodic reports during the school year controls its development, both nationally and internationally.

Talents for Life brings together a series of professionals who stand out in each of the subjects that they develop for educational programs as well as for each of the activities that arise from these, be they cultural, social, sports or communicational events. The acceptance of public and private, national and international schools and the coordination of the objectives set by companies and institutions throughout their career speak of the quality of their educational contribution through their executive management in achieving the objectives of each program
The educational programs are developed by an Educational Pedagogical Committee composed of School Directors. Each program receives a “raw” content from companies and institutions that define the objectives to be achieved, and then correct and approve the final format of the different educational levels based on the work they do in the preparation of teaching guides, files for students and plates for the board.

In addition to all the monitoring that each company makes of its program every two weeks through e-letters, awards, meetings, media monitoring, promotions, corporate and sporting events, media, executives who participate in different meetings of control and planning, at the end of the Talents for Life educational program, it delivers an Annual Report of everything that has been done with the measurement of direct and indirect marketing contacts.

Some Companies, Institutions and Governments in the last 25 years: