Talentos para la Vida develops this Program with the objective of carrying out an awareness-raising action in Educational Institutions to disseminate and promote the importance of Mining and the quantity of products that are present, improving the quality of daily life of students, teachers, families, and that depend on mining production.

Likewise, disseminate and acquire positive, responsible and lasting behaviors to optimize that quality of life with respect to the value of life and the creation of an awareness for the care of the environment, as a priority of the individual and his family, within the framework of knowledge by children and young people of the set of guidelines that govern the ecosystem.

Through files designed specifically for each educational level, and guided by teachers through classroom work, students acquire knowledge according to their age.

The objective is to focus the Program on children and young participants, so that they foster dialogue at home, in order to improve our awareness of the quality of daily life, based on the incorporation of knowledge of the importance of mining and habits of respect and responsibility for the environment.


To begin participating, you must complete the Registration Application (by clicking here) with the requested information. For any questions, you can contact us by clicking here.

Once registered, the Educational Institution has the right to participate in the competition described below:

Classroom Program
For each level (Primary and Secondary) you will find on our website the Fact Sheets and Guidelines for the Teacher to work interactively in the classroom.

Each level has its respective Tokens, each of which works with deadlines (to see the schedule of dates click here). The Primary Level has a total of 4 tokens, while the Secondary Level has 4 tokens.

At the closing date of each Card, the Institutions must have sent each one of the Cards worked by the students (with the corresponding data – See Regulation), from which the winners will be selected for each of the Levels:
– 1 First Prize
– 1 Second Prize
– 1 Third Prize
– 10 Special Mentions