This program aims to highlight the “Safety for Electrical Installation in the Home” and the care that must be taken to avoid domestic accidents.

When talking about energy efficiency, most think of energy saving lamps or energy efficient devices. However, few know that much of the household’s energy consumption occurs in the form of waste, usually caused by heat dissipation of cables, lampholders, joints and sockets.

This waste occurs mainly due to poorly sized circuits –which work overloaded by increasing the plugged-in equipment– or by the use of inappropriate materials. A sub-sized circuit (with a cable section that is less than necessary) or the use of products and equipment that are not standard, constitute the main factors that generate an energy waste of even 40%. Worse than that: they can cause serious accidents and fires.


To begin participating, you must complete the Registration Application (by clicking here) with the requested information. To make any query, you can write to the following address: consultations@talentosparalavida.com

Once registered, the Educational Institution has the right to participate in a competition, which is described below:

1- Individual program
Students will compete from the educational-pedagogical cards that they will develop in the classroom together with the teachers. This competition is similar to that of other Educational Programs, and consists of dividing the school into 5 levels (ages), where each level competes bimonthly generating winners Gold, Silver, Bronze and 10 Special Mentions for each level, that is, a total per each two-month period of 65 winners.

2- Intercollegiate program
The educational institutions will compete from the total work done among all students and teachers, and sent to Talents for Life. Each of the students will define in their category the winning educational institutions Gold, Silver, Bronze and 10 Special Mentions, so there will be 65 winning educational institutions per bimester.


In the Initial Level, the study of electricity will be introduced through the recognition of domestic appliances that use it and the care in its handling.

The study of conductive and insulating materials is addressed in the First Cycle of the GBS; and, magnetic properties. Notions are introduced regarding the risks involved in the use of electrical appliances, the corresponding precautions (use of insulating materials) and their care (do not exceed operating limits, prior reading of the manuals) Other risks are also mentioned : high voltage, downed cables. The importance of saving electricity will be highlighted.

In the Second Cycle of the GBS, electrical energy and electrical circuits, the lines of force of a magnet and the attractive and repulsive forces in magnets are studied. The knowledge about magnetism is expanded: compass and terrestrial magnetism. The study of the risks in the use of electrical appliances and the risks on public roads is extended, in particular on rainy and stormy days when there are fallen poles and cables.

In the Third Cycle of the GBS the phenomenological treatment of electrostatics is carried out and the concepts of charging and electric field are incorporated. The notion of magnetic field is addressed. The study of electromagnetic induction shows the relationship between electrical and magnetic phenomena and integrates them; The operation of the electromagnets is analyzed. The study of the risks of electricity in the home and on public roads is raised in a degree of co-employment; and, the reactional use of electrical energy.

At the Polimodal Level, the transformation of mechanical energy into electromagnetic induction will be explored, as well as the generation of heat or movement by the passage of electric current allows to show energy as a unifying concept. The rational use of electrical energy will be emphasized. Research will be carried out on the configuration of the Argentine electrical system (location on the map of thermal, hydraulic, nuclear generation; ultra high voltage transport lines and final distribution). Note that 50% of the electricity consumed in our country is generated through the burning of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, liquids).